Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
212.244.57.* napisał:
Odkopałem grę i powiem wam, że klimat tej gry jest zaj.... dalej. Deklasuje kompletnie Generals (Westwood to jednak była klasa), a wstawki filmowe, może na dzisiaj wieje lekką tandetą , ale mają swój urok ( żywi aktorzy!!).Grafika, mimo już kilku lat (to już będzie 5 lat ), jeszcze "daje rady", nie odrzuca. W tym momencie nasuwa mi sie porównanie do Starcrafta, który skłonił mnie do odkopania CC- tutaj kompletnie po 3-4 latach rozłąki odrzuca od ekranu ( wygląda kompletnie amatorsko i te achydne 256 kolorów 640/480 Ja nie daję rady w to grać...a najbardziej wk.... przełaczanie oddziałłów- jakby z opóźnieniem- sterowanie jest sp...., a patch 1.10 nic nie dał )
62.233.213.* napisał:
Wiadomo nie od dziś, że C&C i Red Alerty by Westwood to najlepsze rtsy (imho) dziś już takich gier nie ma.158.75.203.* napisał:
Jakie opuźnienie ?? Może masz jakieś błędy bo ja takowego nie zauważyłem. Mi tam grafika nie przeszkadza. Nie wygląda źle (w strategii nie potrzebuję pełnego 3d, 1600x1200 AA i Anizo). A liczy się za to miód jakim ocieka gierka podczas gry w multi.68.194.123.* napisał:
eh ts.. szkoda ze to tak dawno bylo. Pamietam jak kiedys gralem w to 24/7 bez przerwy (szkoda tylko ze netu nie mialem). Hmm teraz, a wlasciwie od ponad 2 lat gram w renegade. Obecnie znajduje sie w dziesiatce najlepszych graczybtw na www.imperium-ww.pl znajdziesz prawdziwych maniakow gier cnc
212.244.57.* napisał:
Nie mogę w żaden sposób dać sobie rady z ostatnią misją GDI- atakują ciagle moją bazę ( daje rady odpierać), niszczą wieżyczki( kasa w błoto )- nie wyrabiam się ze zbudowaniem odpowiednio silnej armii w ciagu godziny : A ta, którą zbuduje nie wystarcza na w miarę udany atak- po prostu wróg ma znacznie więcej jednostek Co zniszczę wrogą wieżyczkę, to zaraz powstaje nowa Help!!!No i misja NOD- motyw z UFO- mam przejąc pojazd i potem rozwalić pociąg- tutaj podobnie- zbyt mało i za słabe mam jednostki, żeby dać radę dojść i zniszczyć pociąg HELP!!!
62.121.106.* napisał:
slabo juz ta gre pamietam bo gralem ze 3 lata temu (jak sie ukazala) ale to co zawsze robilem (w misjach gdzie byla baza wroga) to polowanie na "zbieraczy" (te dziadostwa co dostartczaja "kasy"), wtedfy wrog wydawal kjase na te pojazdy a nie na wojsko itdto chyba typowa taktyka w grach Westwood
co do ufo to juz nie pamietam - wiem ze najglupsza misja bylo doprowadzenie na czas jakiegos bolka do wrogiej bazy
62.233.213.* napisał:
Odszukałem FAQ do C&C TS:----------
GDI-18 (Final Conflict)
Destroy the ICBM launchers before they can launch. Destroy Kane's pyramid.
Destroy all NOD forces.
Quickly kill the defending infantry, and then target the refinery. You
should be able to distract the NOD harvester long enough to destroy the
refinery and prevent NOD from getting at least one load of tiberium. Then
destroy the other buildings, using the newly-arrived titans and wolverines
in support.
Deploy the MCV inside the old NOD base, and start building up your own
base. A one-hour timer will start when you build your barracks, so delay
that for a bit and build a couple of power stations and your radar first.
Keep your buildings spread out. Eventually Kane will start shooting
missiles at you, and some shots can take out two buildings if they are
close together.
What you see on the radar is only half of the map. Once you destroy an
ICBM launcher or explore the southern edge of the map, the full map will
be revealed. There will be three NOD bases, each with its own separate
power grid and ICBM launcher. There will also be a special area just
for Kane.
North NOD base: This base is well-defended with artillery units and
obelisks. The easiest way to crack their defenses is to use the ion
cannon, so quickly build a tech center and an upgrade center so you
will have the option. Probe the base so the artillery units will reveal
themselves, and then hit them with the ion cannon. You can also use jump
set infantry to scout the bridge leading up to the base, and destroy the
two lasers guarding the northern shore. Once you've softened up their
defenses enough, a standard attack of titans and wolverines will do the
trick. The ICBM launcher is in the northeastern part of the base. There
is also an old GDI base west of the NOD base, and you can find three
mammoth (mark 1) tanks there.
South NOD base: The easiest way to attack this base is via water. Send
some hover tanks and an APC with infantry and at least one engineer south
along the river. You'll find a bunch of power plants along the shore near
the bottom of the map. Capture one of the power plants and then build a
barracks nearby. Pump out some light infantry to assist the hover tanks,
and destroy all of the power plants. You might also want to put up some
vulcan cannon to ensure you keep your foothold. The ICBM launcher is just
to the west of the power plants, but don't destroy it until time is
winding down. The construction yard, temple of NOD, and war factory are
also near the ICBM launcher, and by destroying all three, you can
effectively cripple the base. Mopping it up after that should present
no problems.
Middle/island NOD base: This is a small base guarded by an obelisk.
Simply charge it with several hover tanks and destroy everything in
sight. The base is cloaked by a stealth generator, so you might have
to target the ground a few times in order to find the power plants.
The ICBM launcher is right in the middle of the base, surrounded by
some concrete.
Kane's island: Kane's island is on the eastern side of the map. You
passed it if you used the river to enter the southern base. There are
only a couple of lasers guarding the bridge leading to the island, so
you shouldn't have much of a problem. Once you destroy the pyramid,
you won't have to worry about missile attacks any more.
GDI-07 (Salvage Operation)
Locate the UFO and retrieve the Tacitus.
This is an odd mission in that it is difficult to do the things you are
supposed to do and still win. It is much easier to ``cheat'' and skip a
few steps. I'll describe both ways.
The right way: kill off the enemy infantry at your starting position and
then head north to the northwestern corner. There you'll find a radar
installation and a power station. Defeat the enemy infantry guarding the
spot, and capture both buildings. The radar will show you the location
of the GDI base and the UFO. Notice the truck next to the UFO. It contains
cargo from the UFO, and you will need to capture that cargo. Sell off the
power station and radar installation for more infantry, and then make for
the UFO.
Head south back the way you came until you hit the railroad tracks. Follow
the southern tracks east until you hit a dead end and then move north and
follow the other tracks. By doing this you'll avoid a titan, but you still
might run into an infantry patrol. You'll next run into two wolverines
which you can kill, and then you should head east. A train station will
be highlighted, and you'll see that the truck has made its way to Vega's
train and is unloading the cargo. Ignore it for the moment and send the
remaining engineer into the UFO. GDI might have received a MCV by this
point, and, if so, there might be a base and a couple of titans nearby.
You'll probably have to kill one of the titans to clear the way for the
The engineer will learn that the Tacitus is gone, and so you'll have to
stop Vega's train. Don't follow the train tracks; that won't give you
enough time. Instead head south and a little west until you see the broken
bridge where the southern train tracks ended before. Southwest of that
is the back door into Vega's base, and you can move your troops inside
and kill the train. It will leave behind a crate which you should pick
up to finish the mission.
Quick method: at the start, when you see the train, have the two buggies
and the cycle attack it. They won't kill it, but they'll follow it. The
train stops in three places: once to load the cargo, once before entering
Vega's base, and once inside the base. Most of the time the vehicles will
destroy the engine at the second stop, but if not they can finish it off
inside the base. There's no need to send the engineer to the UFO.
Mam nadzieję, że chodziło ci o te misje.
212.244.57.* napisał:
Ta szybka metoda nie działa Raz udało mi się zniszczyć pociąg, ale nie cały, bo mi robociki GDI cały czas wchodzą na d.upę Cięzka ta misja- w niedzielę spróbuję jeszcze raz.83.17.29.* napisał:
mam pytanie czy tyberia sun dziala pod xp ?? Plx pomocy83.23.155.* napisał:
WitamDziała grałem niedawno
83.23.39.* napisał:
Hm... pamieta ktos jeszcze taka wypasista gre, ktorej tytulu nie pamietam, gdzie mialo sie do wyboru 2 rasy - kosmitow i ludzi.A budynki budowalo sie tak, zewciskalo sie przycisk, i budynek sie budowal kolo juz stojacej bazy glownej (laczyl sie z nia), a kase wydobywalo sie z takich wulkanow. Powie ktos nazwe bo bym w sumei zagral sobie w nia (kiedys do CDA ja dali). Tiberian nawet fajny,. kiedys w to gralem.
83.18.65.* napisał:
czy to nie bylo Dark Colony?
83.23.39.* napisał:
HA! TAK TO TO! Przypomina mi sie ten tytul! Dzieki stary! Polecam te gre kazdemu, ma to cos!!!195.82.176.* napisał:
Powiem tak gralem w to cudo i to nie jedna godzine gierka jest pierwsza klasa co do porownania z Generals moim zdaniem bije ja na glowe pod wzgledem klimatu.83.16.137.* napisał:
To wkoncu dziala pod Xp tyberian sun czy nie ?? bo umnie pod xp niechce dzialac :/ prosze pomocyPodobne tematy
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