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Niedziela 22 grudnia 2024 r.

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America's Army

80.54.83.* napisał:
czy ktos sie orientuje skad najlepiej zassac americas army 2.0????generlanie na oficjalnej stronie jest pare linkow, ale czy sa to szybkie serwery?? czy moze znacie jakies inne miejsca w sieci???

62.233.208.* napisał:
Witam, icon_smile3.gif
wejdz na http://filemirrors.com/ zakładka "top downloads"
i nr 20 - to tego szukasz. icon_biggrin3.gif
Pozdrawiam icon_biggrin3.gif

80.54.83.* napisał:
dzieki bardzo, od paru 3 godz ciagne juz z gigexa, juz 40 proc 270MB icon_smile3.gif

80.53.136.* napisał:
Wersja 2.0 to w koncu to na co czekalem.

Gra sie naprawde wysmienicie- prawdziwa time- machine. Siadasz na 30min a tu bach! i przepadles na min. 2h icon_wink2.gif

195.205.134.* napisał:
Ou Dzizys! Juz 2.0 icon_question.gif icon_eek2.gif Moj rozwoj zatrzymal sie gdzies na 1.6 chyba...


195.136.48.* napisał:
www.gamershell.com - ja zasysałem z tamtąd icon_smile3.gif

80.53.180.* napisał:
Ja ssalem ze stronki nvidii, transfer rzędu 60kb/s, ale w koncu dużo zależy od twojego łącza.


80.54.95.* napisał:
duzo pozmieniali? gral ktos juz?

80.50.141.* napisał:
Gramy gramy tylko ze ten sprzet co w podpisie niestety juz na mapach SF Special Forces nie wytrzymuje a raczej za malo ramu i pozostaje mi tylko granie jedynie na tych co byly.
Cos tam pozmieniali icon_wink3.gif nowe bronie (granaty zapalajace),mapy itp.
reszte niech dopisze combat albo KAT icon_wink3.gif
Ver. 2.0 What are the recommended system requirements for the Windows 2.0 version :
3-D graphics card with 128 MB memory and support for hardware transformation and lighting
2.0 GHz processor or equivalent
English version of Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP Operating System
512 MB RAM
1.62GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files.
The minimum system requirements for the Windows 2.0 version
3-D graphics card with 64 MB memory and support for hardware transformation and lighting
1.3 GHz processor or equivalent
English version of Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP Operating System
256 MB RAM
1.62GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
Jak dla mnie to troche przesadzili.

62.233.168.* napisał:
Ja gram wysmienicie na tym co w podpisie. W sumie to jesli chodzi o grafike to tylko wymagania wzrosly. No i SF ma fajna grafe, ale bez 512 nawet nie probuj.
Jest niowa versja PB.

62.148.65.* napisał:
Nie wiem jak z AA 2.0, ale np. demko Railroad Tycoon 3 szło rewelacyjnie z www.gamershell.com. Oni mają chyba najlepsze darmowe serwy icon_smile3.gif

62.179.20.* napisał:
Najwazniejsze rzeczy z Readme icon_wink2.gif

New weapons available to the Special Forces class:

- SOPMOD M4 Carbine

Special Operations Peculiar Modification to M4 Carbine
- The primary weapon for all Special Forces soldiers.
This weapon is fully customizable by the player though
the use of various accessories (mods) that can be
added to the weapon to fit the players playstyle or to
meet the demands of a particular mission.


Special Purpose Rifle - Variant on the M16 for long
range shots and greater accuracy. The primary weapon
of the Special Forces Advanced Marksman.

- Thermite Grenade

Incendiary type of grenade emitting intense heat and
flame. This grenade is used by the Special Forces
class to complete 'data destruction' type objectives.

New OpFor Weapons

- Vss Vintorez

As an equivalent to the US Special Forces SPR, this is
the primary weapon of the OpFor advanced marksman.

- New AKS-74U

As an equivalent to the SOPMOD M4, the OpFor will have
the new AKS-74U, including OpFor equivalents for each
individual M4 mod.

Indigenous Forces

All new class of player controlled forces to assist the
Green Berets in combat situations. This unique class mimics
the real life indigenous allied forces that work with US
Special Forces across the globe. This class includes new
player models and specialized weapons. The player will not
need any special training to be able to play as an
Indigenous Forces soldier on the supported Special Forces

New weapons available to the Indigenous Forces class:

- RPG-7

Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher - a weapon used by
Indigenous Forces capable of a devastating attack.

- New AKS-74U

Reworked OpFor equivalent to the M4A1 assault rifle.

M9 Pistol

All new M9 pistol available only to Advanced Marksman as a
'last resort' weapon for close encounters. This pistol will
only be available to Advanced Marksman (M-24, M-82, SPR)
and will not be droppable or be left behind after the player
is out of action.

3D Ironsights for all new weapons

All new weapons for this version will have fully functional
3D ironsights. This includes the SOPMOD M4 Carbine, the
AKS-74U, and the M9 pistols. 3D ironsights will be added to
all other weapons in the game in a future release.

Weapons Mod Page

All Special Forces qualified players will be able to fully
customize their SOPMOD M4 Carbine rifles. On this new page
in the User-Interface the player will be able to add and
remove mods from their M4, as well as being able to save
their favorite configurations as 'SETS' for quick changes.
The current weapon mods available for the player to use are
as follows:

- ACOG 4X Scope

A tritium lit 4x magnification scope that combines
long-range, precision marksmanship and close-in
aiming speed.

- Acog Reflex Sight

An amber dot sight powered by a fiber-optic light
gathering system and a Tritium lamp, designed for
operations in extremely close quarters battle
in any condition.

- M68 Aimpoint Sight

A red-dot reflex sight designed for operations in a
close quarters environment. The M68 allows for quick
acquisition of the target with a high hit probability.

- M203A1 Grenade Launcher

A shortened variant of the M203, the M203A1 is
designed for the SOPMOD M4. The M203A1 adds the
capability of delivering explosive ordinance at
distances beyond 200 meters.

- M583A1 Flare Launcher

The M583A1 is designed for the SOPMOD M4 using the
M203A1. The M583A1 flare adds the capability of
delivering illumination at distances beyond 200
meters, lasting for roughly 12 seconds. This mod is
only available on SFRecon.

- Harris Bipod

Lightweight and rugged, the Harris bipod allows the
weapon to be supported adding stability and accuracy
when shooting from a prone position.

- M4QD Suppressor

The M4QD Suppressor suppresses both the sound and
flash of the weapon, allowing the operator to avoid

- Ironsight

Standard issue carrying handle equipped with an

- Heatshield

Protects operator's hands from heat dissipation and
covers the rail system while not in use.

In-Game IRC Chat Client

New in this release is a fully functional in-game IRC chat
client built into the game's user-interface. This new feature
will allow the players to coordinate and chat on our
official IRC channel (as well as other channels). This new
chat client has all the basic functionality of existing 3rd
party clients as well as some features unique to
America's Army. Some of the features available in this new
IRC client are listed below:

New Andromeda Server Browser

A new integrated server browser platform, allowing quick
server refreshes, live server stats, and custom filters.

New 'Missions' Deployment Page

A new feature in the 'Deployment' section of the user-
interface is the 'Missions' page. This new page allows the
player to find the map they want to play and deploy straight
from that page. Hitting 'Deploy' on this page will
automatically set the correct map filters for that map and
take the player straight to the internet server browser page
to list all the servers currently running the chosen map.
This 'Missions' page also displays all the information about
each mission and whether or not it is available to the
player based on their current completed training.

Six New Maps

This release contains 6 new maps - 2 single player training
maps, and 4 new multi-player maps.

There are 4 new multi-player maps included, and all 4 are
'Special Forces' maps. Three of the maps involve both Special
Forces and Indigenous Forces, and 1 map is a Special Forces
Exclusive map.

The new multi-player maps are listed below:


Special Forces Combat Search and Rescue - this map is
set in a desert 'mudbrick' urban setting. There is a
downed Blackhawk in the center of the map with the
injured pilot located somewhere nearby. The assault
team must destroy the Blackhawk's technology and
locate the pilot and heal him. The defense team must
protect the Blackhawk and pilot from being captured.

- SF Recon (SF & IF)

This is a night time reconnaissance mission set in a
large sprawling desert terrain. The special
reconnaissance team must locate and identify enemy
aviation assets in order to assess Resistance air
defense requirements. The counter reconnaissance team
must protect Resistance aviation assets in order to
prevent enemy intelligence collection.

- SF Hospital (SF & IF)

This is a VIP mission set in an urban environment
focused around the local city hospital. The escorting
team must locate and exfiltrate the friendly
Resistance leader in order to maintain continuity of
Resistance leadership. The ambushing team must
prevent the VIP from being captured by the opposing

- Pipeline SF (SF Exclusive)

This is the Pipeline mission set at night, and
involving a full squad of only Special Forces
soldiers. The assaulting team must secure Alaskan
Pipeline station and negate environmental threat by
accomplishing one of the following: secure main
control panel; stop oil flow at the three valve
controls. The defensive team must defend the Alaskan
Pipeline station and prevent the capture of the main
control panel and keep the flow of oil open into the
pumps at the three valves.

The Special Forces training consist of 2 components - the 2
single-player maps listed below:


Aircraft, Vehicle, and Weapon Identification -
students will be presented with commonly used
vehicles, aircraft, and weapons utilized by the armed
forces of the world. The students will then correctly
identify the nomenclature of the military equipment
that was presented to them using an equipment chart
for reference.

- SF E and E

Escape and Evasion - students will infiltrate by
helicopter then move tactically on foot to their
extraction point though a simulated, denied
environment guarded by sentries and roving patrols.
The students must successfully navigate to the
extraction point through 3 sequential waypoints
without being detected.

Other Additions

- New in-game 'Icon Key'
- New 'loading/connecting' message text boxes
- New Glossary included in the user-interface
- New 'Enable VSync' advanced video setting added
- New 'Disable Coronas' advanced video setting added
- Medic commo "Medic on the way!" by pressing 'm'
- Medic comms report location
- Progress bar added back to the Server Browser
- New "Deco Layers" advanced video setting added to
allow user to turn off foliage and grass textures
- Added Tour Icons in server browser
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added 3 camo 'skins' for SOPMOD M4 (Artic, Desert, Black)

What's changed

- Server Browser Page resized to fit within page bounds
- Server Browser Page buttons recolored and sized
- Password field moved from Filter page to Server Browser
- Page, and resolution sizing adjustment functionality added
- Added a new system for playing 3rd person weapon
animations. We can now play third person animations on
weapons such as firing, reloading, etc.
- CivOp have scarves sometimes
- InfantryOp have caps
- Server Browser Integration: Andromeda and GameSpy,
selectable from Filter Page
- Progress bar added to Server Browser
- Online Mission Deployment: user is now presented with
information regarding the online missions via a new Tab:
"Missions," under Deployment
- Cannot initiate an ROE votekick on a player with no ROE
- Training and Deployment Mission pages now use dynamic
drop-down boxes, rather than overabundant tabs.
- Connection Timeout increased to 120 seconds.
- Ultimate Arena tournament server functionality added to
Server Browser functionality
- Cheats-enabled server flags will be displayed in Server
Browser Rules List
- New loading/progress message screens
- Added Glossary Page to Support Section
- Removed Precaching option from Advanced Details Video
- Removed Interface Texture Detail option as there are no
differences in Interface Texture Detail quality.
- UI Deployment missions only show "Available" or "Not
- Reduced CEM injury penalties
- Updated Fan Sites Support section
- Default auto balance setting is true
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added Auth Failure dialog boxes, some of which have useful

What's fixed

- Main Menu and Game Menu are now persistent - all relevant
menus should retain state and activation.
- Can no longer combat roll while taking objective
- Ambient lighting issues (dark model/bright helmet) should
be fixed
- In game menus no longer screw up on resolution changes
- Menu backgrounds should no longer overlap the Hint box
- Fixed browser filter for "FLS" missions
- Audio/Network settings pages no longer loads wrong info
- Binding a key to 'commosquad' now works correctly
- Texture smearing on for bullet decals on corners fixed
- Fixed various scoreboard/class selection issues
- Changing the case of a password will now get saved
- Audio settings page no longer becomes invalid after
setting Audio Mode
- Players will no longer get stuck when rolling while prone
after dropping weapon
- Tour Validation message for Server Browser
- Two weapons in one hand
- MILES skins should no longer show up in non-MILES
- Tour dependencies are working
- Objective messages should work properly
- Mouse and Mouse Menu Sensitivity bottom limit set to 1,
instead of 0, which makes mouse unmovable
- Your own footsteps no longer sound like they are coming
from the West
- Initial viewpoint rotation will no longer look down
- Admins no longer appear on login/logout or on the
- Leased-Official servers report properly
- A blank password will be sent to the server if the
password field in the server browser is blank
- Pickups don't block grenade damage
- Leaning spectator bug
- Purple gun bug
- Enemy grenades now look like enemy grenades when thrown

Najwazniejsze rzeczy z Readme icon_wink2.gif

New weapons available to the Special Forces class:

- SOPMOD M4 Carbine

Special Operations Peculiar Modification to M4 Carbine
- The primary weapon for all Special Forces soldiers.
This weapon is fully customizable by the player though
the use of various accessories (mods) that can be
added to the weapon to fit the players playstyle or to
meet the demands of a particular mission.


Special Purpose Rifle - Variant on the M16 for long
range shots and greater accuracy. The primary weapon
of the Special Forces Advanced Marksman.

- Thermite Grenade

Incendiary type of grenade emitting intense heat and
flame. This grenade is used by the Special Forces
class to complete 'data destruction' type objectives.

New OpFor Weapons

- Vss Vintorez

As an equivalent to the US Special Forces SPR, this is
the primary weapon of the OpFor advanced marksman.

- New AKS-74U

As an equivalent to the SOPMOD M4, the OpFor will have
the new AKS-74U, including OpFor equivalents for each
individual M4 mod.

Indigenous Forces

All new class of player controlled forces to assist the
Green Berets in combat situations. This unique class mimics
the real life indigenous allied forces that work with US
Special Forces across the globe. This class includes new
player models and specialized weapons. The player will not
need any special training to be able to play as an
Indigenous Forces soldier on the supported Special Forces

New weapons available to the Indigenous Forces class:

- RPG-7

Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher - a weapon used by
Indigenous Forces capable of a devastating attack.

- New AKS-74U

Reworked OpFor equivalent to the M4A1 assault rifle.

M9 Pistol

All new M9 pistol available only to Advanced Marksman as a
'last resort' weapon for close encounters. This pistol will
only be available to Advanced Marksman (M-24, M-82, SPR)
and will not be droppable or be left behind after the player
is out of action.

3D Ironsights for all new weapons

All new weapons for this version will have fully functional
3D ironsights. This includes the SOPMOD M4 Carbine, the
AKS-74U, and the M9 pistols. 3D ironsights will be added to
all other weapons in the game in a future release.

Weapons Mod Page

All Special Forces qualified players will be able to fully
customize their SOPMOD M4 Carbine rifles. On this new page
in the User-Interface the player will be able to add and
remove mods from their M4, as well as being able to save
their favorite configurations as 'SETS' for quick changes.
The current weapon mods available for the player to use are
as follows:

- ACOG 4X Scope

A tritium lit 4x magnification scope that combines
long-range, precision marksmanship and close-in
aiming speed.

- Acog Reflex Sight

An amber dot sight powered by a fiber-optic light
gathering system and a Tritium lamp, designed for
operations in extremely close quarters battle
in any condition.

- M68 Aimpoint Sight

A red-dot reflex sight designed for operations in a
close quarters environment. The M68 allows for quick
acquisition of the target with a high hit probability.

- M203A1 Grenade Launcher

A shortened variant of the M203, the M203A1 is
designed for the SOPMOD M4. The M203A1 adds the
capability of delivering explosive ordinance at
distances beyond 200 meters.

- M583A1 Flare Launcher

The M583A1 is designed for the SOPMOD M4 using the
M203A1. The M583A1 flare adds the capability of
delivering illumination at distances beyond 200
meters, lasting for roughly 12 seconds. This mod is
only available on SFRecon.

- Harris Bipod

Lightweight and rugged, the Harris bipod allows the
weapon to be supported adding stability and accuracy
when shooting from a prone position.

- M4QD Suppressor

The M4QD Suppressor suppresses both the sound and
flash of the weapon, allowing the operator to avoid

- Ironsight

Standard issue carrying handle equipped with an

- Heatshield

Protects operator's hands from heat dissipation and
covers the rail system while not in use.

In-Game IRC Chat Client

New in this release is a fully functional in-game IRC chat
client built into the game's user-interface. This new feature
will allow the players to coordinate and chat on our
official IRC channel (as well as other channels). This new
chat client has all the basic functionality of existing 3rd
party clients as well as some features unique to
America's Army. Some of the features available in this new
IRC client are listed below:

New Andromeda Server Browser

A new integrated server browser platform, allowing quick
server refreshes, live server stats, and custom filters.

New 'Missions' Deployment Page

A new feature in the 'Deployment' section of the user-
interface is the 'Missions' page. This new page allows the
player to find the map they want to play and deploy straight
from that page. Hitting 'Deploy' on this page will
automatically set the correct map filters for that map and
take the player straight to the internet server browser page
to list all the servers currently running the chosen map.
This 'Missions' page also displays all the information about
each mission and whether or not it is available to the
player based on their current completed training.

Six New Maps

This release contains 6 new maps - 2 single player training
maps, and 4 new multi-player maps.

There are 4 new multi-player maps included, and all 4 are
'Special Forces' maps. Three of the maps involve both Special
Forces and Indigenous Forces, and 1 map is a Special Forces
Exclusive map.

The new multi-player maps are listed below:


Special Forces Combat Search and Rescue - this map is
set in a desert 'mudbrick' urban setting. There is a
downed Blackhawk in the center of the map with the
injured pilot located somewhere nearby. The assault
team must destroy the Blackhawk's technology and
locate the pilot and heal him. The defense team must
protect the Blackhawk and pilot from being captured.

- SF Recon (SF & IF)

This is a night time reconnaissance mission set in a
large sprawling desert terrain. The special
reconnaissance team must locate and identify enemy
aviation assets in order to assess Resistance air
defense requirements. The counter reconnaissance team
must protect Resistance aviation assets in order to
prevent enemy intelligence collection.

- SF Hospital (SF & IF)

This is a VIP mission set in an urban environment
focused around the local city hospital. The escorting
team must locate and exfiltrate the friendly
Resistance leader in order to maintain continuity of
Resistance leadership. The ambushing team must
prevent the VIP from being captured by the opposing

- Pipeline SF (SF Exclusive)

This is the Pipeline mission set at night, and
involving a full squad of only Special Forces
soldiers. The assaulting team must secure Alaskan
Pipeline station and negate environmental threat by
accomplishing one of the following: secure main
control panel; stop oil flow at the three valve
controls. The defensive team must defend the Alaskan
Pipeline station and prevent the capture of the main
control panel and keep the flow of oil open into the
pumps at the three valves.

The Special Forces training consist of 2 components - the 2
single-player maps listed below:


Aircraft, Vehicle, and Weapon Identification -
students will be presented with commonly used
vehicles, aircraft, and weapons utilized by the armed
forces of the world. The students will then correctly
identify the nomenclature of the military equipment
that was presented to them using an equipment chart
for reference.

- SF E and E

Escape and Evasion - students will infiltrate by
helicopter then move tactically on foot to their
extraction point though a simulated, denied
environment guarded by sentries and roving patrols.
The students must successfully navigate to the
extraction point through 3 sequential waypoints
without being detected.

Other Additions

- New in-game 'Icon Key'
- New 'loading/connecting' message text boxes
- New Glossary included in the user-interface
- New 'Enable VSync' advanced video setting added
- New 'Disable Coronas' advanced video setting added
- Medic commo "Medic on the way!" by pressing 'm'
- Medic comms report location
- Progress bar added back to the Server Browser
- New "Deco Layers" advanced video setting added to
allow user to turn off foliage and grass textures
- Added Tour Icons in server browser
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added 3 camo 'skins' for SOPMOD M4 (Artic, Desert, Black)

What's changed

- Server Browser Page resized to fit within page bounds
- Server Browser Page buttons recolored and sized
- Password field moved from Filter page to Server Browser
- Page, and resolution sizing adjustment functionality added
- Added a new system for playing 3rd person weapon
animations. We can now play third person animations on
weapons such as firing, reloading, etc.
- CivOp have scarves sometimes
- InfantryOp have caps
- Server Browser Integration: Andromeda and GameSpy,
selectable from Filter Page
- Progress bar added to Server Browser
- Online Mission Deployment: user is now presented with
information regarding the online missions via a new Tab:
"Missions," under Deployment
- Cannot initiate an ROE votekick on a player with no ROE
- Training and Deployment Mission pages now use dynamic
drop-down boxes, rather than overabundant tabs.
- Connection Timeout increased to 120 seconds.
- Ultimate Arena tournament server functionality added to
Server Browser functionality
- Cheats-enabled server flags will be displayed in Server
Browser Rules List
- New loading/progress message screens
- Added Glossary Page to Support Section
- Removed Precaching option from Advanced Details Video
- Removed Interface Texture Detail option as there are no
differences in Interface Texture Detail quality.
- UI Deployment missions only show "Available" or "Not
- Reduced CEM injury penalties
- Updated Fan Sites Support section
- Default auto balance setting is true
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added Auth Failure dialog boxes, some of which have useful

What's fixed

- Main Menu and Game Menu are now persistent - all relevant
menus should retain state and activation.
- Can no longer combat roll while taking objective
- Ambient lighting issues (dark model/bright helmet) should
be fixed
- In game menus no longer screw up on resolution changes
- Menu backgrounds should no longer overlap the Hint box
- Fixed browser filter for "FLS" missions
- Audio/Network settings pages no longer loads wrong info
- Binding a key to 'commosquad' now works correctly
- Texture smearing on for bullet decals on corners fixed
- Fixed various scoreboard/class selection issues
- Changing the case of a password will now get saved
- Audio settings page no longer becomes invalid after
setting Audio Mode
- Players will no longer get stuck when rolling while prone
after dropping weapon
- Tour Validation message for Server Browser
- Two weapons in one hand
- MILES skins should no longer show up in non-MILES
- Tour dependencies are working
- Objective messages should work properly
- Mouse and Mouse Menu Sensitivity bottom limit set to 1,
instead of 0, which makes mouse unmovable
- Your own footsteps no longer sound like they are coming
from the West
- Initial viewpoint rotation will no longer look down
- Admins no longer appear on login/logout or on the
- Leased-Official servers report properly
- A blank password will be sent to the server if the
password field in the server browser is blank
- Pickups don't block grenade damage
- Leaning spectator bug
- Purple gun bug
- Enemy grenades now look like enemy grenades when thrown

212.182.96.* napisał:
Kat - a zostalo cos niewaznego?? icon_wink2.gif

195.205.134.* napisał:
Nie bede wredny i nie zacytuje tego tekstu laugh.gif. KaT, naprawde nie mogles tego strescic? icon_rolleyes.gif


62.179.9.* napisał:
Niech wam bedzie icon_smile3.gif

3 nowe mapy do gry online(2 dostepne dla nie posiadajacych szkolenia SF i jedna tzw SF exclusive), 2 mapy ze szkoleniami SF, karabinek m4 SOPMOD z szerokim sortymentem modyfikacji min celowniki optyczne i kolimacyjne,tłumik dzwieku, granatnik m203a1, wyrzutnik flar, bipod, SPR - karabin wyborowy dla oddzialow SF i jego odpowiednik VSS Vintorez dla sil przeciwnika, pistolet M9 dla snajpera(Makarov dla op4), nowe trojwymiarowe celowniki dla m4 i aks-74u, w przyszlosci dla kazdej z dostepnych broni. Poza tym liczne poprawki istaniejacych bogow icon_wink2.gif

217.97.117.* napisał:
Jest jeszcze jedna modyfikacja - pare fpsów mniej icon_sad2.gif

213.199.214.* napisał:
A ja sciagałem 2.0 z nvidi i gowno musze sciagac od nowa bo jakis bład archiwum zip i wiec zaczałem sciagac od nowa i zowu [gluteus maximus] !ja sie pochlastam!

80.54.227.* napisał:
Właśnie sformatowałem dysk i wgralem AA i chciałbym od nowa nie przechodzić wszystkich treningów, czy da się tylko na podstawie moich wyników na serwerze gdzi jest zapisane że przeszedłem, "zaliczyć" mi treningi bym nie musiał ich przechodzić drugi raz?

80.50.143.* napisał:
Jezeli przed formatem grales w AAO i posiadales juz konto z zaliczonymi treningami to wystarczy zalogowac sie w grze i wbic na server powinno zaliczyc ci to wszystko co miales wczesniej.

217.97.117.* napisał:
Jeśli powyższy sposób zawiedzie. Po prostu zrób tylko pierwszy trening strzelecki i prześłij wyniki na server. I wszystko powinno sie wczytać. Z tego co pamiętam to nawet jeśli bedziesz miał gorszy wynik to i tak pozstanie najlepszy ale 100% pewności nie mam icon_biggrin3.gif.

212.126.30.* napisał:
Jecsze przed nowym rokiem ma byc 2.1 wiec niepodniecajmy sie tak...icon_wink2.gif

217.97.117.* napisał:
no nie............ jeszcze Mazia tu brakuje icon_biggrin3.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
czy jest jakis clan z tweaka????

80.53.67.* napisał:
btw. wie ktos kiedy nowa wersja bedzie?? (tj. 2.1) ??

217.172.250.* napisał:
niedlugo......za jakies pare miechów icon_biggrin3.gif nigdy nie wiadomo icon_razz.gif

83.31.0.* napisał:
szukajka i do przodu icon_wink3.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:
po roku mam dosc tego forum...
nudne jest.. 0 offtopicow bo moderatorzy jak tylko zobacza cos nie na temat to post odrazu leci na pysk.. (dlatego wole tweak'a icon_mrgreen.gif )
a pozatym nie pisze tam kiedy bedzie nowa wersja.. icon_confused2.gif

ludzie na serwie mowili ze w przyszlym miesiacu (2 miechy temu slyszalem to samo icon_confused2.gif )

83.31.0.* napisał:
No ja juz troche nie jestem w klimacie bo niegram z 2 miesiace wiec zupelnie nie wiem co sie dzieje. icon_confused2.gif

83.26.245.* napisał:

Tweak tez mam wrazenie ze ostatnio schodzi na psy, a bylo to dla mnie najlepse forum na swiecie. Dzisiaj w nocy etz zessam wersje 2.0

80.53.67.* napisał:

dopiero?? icon_eek2.gif

217.172.250.* napisał:
icon_wink3.gif wiadomo tylko że nie wcześniej jak za dwa miechy icon_razz.gif

80.51.252.* napisał:
Mi jeszcze 100MB zostało i będe miał 2.0 na dysku icon_biggrin3.gif Już się doczekać nie mogę ;]

80.53.67.* napisał:
nowe mapki sa zaj... no ten tego... fajne o! icon_biggrin3.gif

a szczegolnie hospital, Pipeline SF i Sandstorm icon_cool3.gif

217.172.250.* napisał:
bardzo nowe icon_biggrin3.gif patch 2.0.0a pojawil sie w grudniu 2003 a patch 2.0.0 w lipcu icon_lol.gif

80.55.38.* napisał:
Ktos ma jakies info kiedy pojawi sie kolejna wersja gry????
Z tego co sie pytalem to chodza sluchy ze jezeli jutro sie nie pokaze to wyjdzie w przyszlym tygodniu.
Szkoda ze dopiero w wersji 2.5 bedzie pojazd pancerny. icon_biggrin3.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:
yeah icon_cool3.gif stryker rulezz icon_razz.gif
a widziales nowe filmiki (z nowej wersji i z E3) ?
znajac DEVow to patch wyjdzie pod koniec tego tygodnia (jak nie pozniej icon_razz.gif )

212.122.214.* napisał:
ostatnio na bt pojawilo sie cos takiego: aao_patch_200to2044.torrent
nie wiem co to i troche sie boje o giere jak to zapodam....
widzial ktos cos podobnego ??

swoja droga klimat z samochodem moze byc ciekawy bo rownoczesnie dojdzie bron przeciw pancerna...
ale pewnie znowu wymagania co do sprzetu wzrosna......

62.69.194.* napisał:
to chyba chodzi o bete nowej wersji
z tego co wiem za granie jesli zostaniesz namierzony grozi ban konta w AA

212.122.214.* napisał:
czyli lepiej nie eksperymentowac...

62.69.194.* napisał:
oczywiscie ze nie
ta wersja bety wyciekla od jakiegos betatestera i kazdy kogo DEV-owie zlapia na grze dostaje bana

212.122.214.* napisał:
czesto grasz w aa??
mozna by sie kiedys umowic na jakies kilowanie

80.53.67.* napisał:
tylko jeszcze na jakiej mapce ? icon_cool3.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
cos zamotalem..... nie moge skasowac tego posta..... ehhhhhh

212.122.214.* napisał:
wspolnie z kumplami gramy przede wszystkim na sf hospital...
co wy na to.... i kto by chcial postrzelac niech da znaka

podajcie nicki z gry

moj to [PL]_Virus

80.53.67.* napisał:
doopa / na hospitalu mi sie komp tnie icon_confused2.gif
Pileline, Pipeline SF /IC / WC / Sandstorm ? icon_wink2.gif
radzio_ icon_cool3.gif

80.53.179.* napisał:
LubMich_PL troszkę pogrywam choć sesja zaburza spokoj gry icon_wink2.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
a jak tam u was wyglada sprawa z team speakiem?? uzywacie??

80.53.67.* napisał:
mam / nie uzywam (bo nie mam z kim icon_razz.gif )

217.113.233.* napisał:
Jak ktos gra niech zapoda swoj nick. Najloepiej ktoregos wieczora zrobic spotkanko - wejsc na ts.riz.pl zalozyc subchannel i jazda.


212.122.214.* napisał:

dokladnie... popieram...
jakby co to skonfigurowane mam pod rizneta..
ale dla tych co by chcieli to trzeba podac haslo... ktorego nie pamietam niestety.... lecz moge poszukac.. jakby co to na priv...

bede gral tak kolo 23:30 na sf hospital.....

80.53.67.* napisał:
haslo: grom7 ?? (dobrze pamietam?? )

212.122.214.* napisał:
chyba tak......

217.113.233.* napisał:


80.55.38.* napisał:
Moj nick to Feluke[PL]. icon_wink2.gif
W hospitala to zarabrzo nie potrawie grac bo zagralem moze ze 2 razy ale na Pipeline to jak najbardziej. icon_biggrin3.gif

Wiecie moze jak mozna przejsc 2 SF trening bo skredam sie i przy pierwszej wierzy zaraz mnie lapia a bez tego w Pipe SF nie zagram. icon_sad2.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
was tam w [Grom]ie jest sporo..... gracie codzienne??

62.21.109.* napisał:
Ja grywa czesto na insurgent camp w inne takze. ksywka malinek80_pl

80.53.67.* napisał:

musisz sie czolgac w prawo a nie w lewo mi trening zajal jakies 30min.

83.16.81.* napisał:
Ludzie w jakim wy swiecie zyjecie patch 2.0a nawet juz jest gram w ta wersje gdzies od 3-4miesiecy a nawet duzo dluzej HEHE ale jajca !!!! a jesli chodzi o granie zapraszam do wspolnej zabawy na www.gsdo.republika.pl

80.53.67.* napisał:
a w jakim ty swiecie zyjesz?? icon_confused2.gif
my mowimy o 2.1 a nie tym "dodatku" icon_idea.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
hehe..... ja tam pipe srednio lubie bo zawsze nawiedza mnie tam roe.... ale pograc mozna

podsumowujac na ta chwile... mamy:

jak ktos jeszcze chetny niech sie zglosi...
acha... czy uzywacie trackera?

80.53.67.* napisał:
co do trackera to "dawno, dawno temu..." teraz juz nie icon_razz.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
a szkoda bo sie przydaje......

217.113.233.* napisał:
Nie zapominajcie tez o [GROM]_com.bat - tez sie tu wypowiadal icon_smile3.gif

213.156.101.* napisał:
No wlasnie icon_smile3.gif czyli ja!

62.69.194.* napisał:
mapy?? wlasciwie wszystkie, no prawie bo bez bridga

80.55.38.* napisał:
Ja zaczalem dopiero uzywac ale chyba przestane bo az przeraza mnie ile ROE zdobywam. icon_wink2.gif
Wszystko dzieki Pipe i jest to chyba jedyna runda na ktorej niestworzone rzeczy sie dzieja. icon_evil.gif
Patrzylem na swoim serwie co jest nie tak na tej rundzie i:
-granaty zabijaja nawet na duze odleglosci (nie wiem dlaczego)
-203 nie zawsze wybucha jak sie strzela w tunelach. Czasami nawet na odleglosci 5m sie uzbraja i zabija rowniez ciebie.

Ktos mi wyjasni na czym polega strzelanie przez nieotwarty wentyl??
Widzialem juz nieraz takie akcje ale ile razy probuje cos takiego wykonac to sie nie udaje.

P.S. Ostatnio gralem na Pipe z kims z Grom'u i 2 razy go zabilem i sie chyba obrazil bo se poszedl.

80.53.67.* napisał:

musisz strzelac pomiedzy "tymi listwami" (zapomnialem jak to sie fachowo nazywa icon_razz.gif )

83.31.23.* napisał:
Ja dzis zagralem sobie po 2 miesiecznej przerwie na Multimedi echhh gdyby miec tak czas na granie icon_twisted.gif
Tracked since:15.04.2003 (411 days) no ale jeszcze pewien czas bez tracka icon_wink3.gif
ech tam radzio_ czepiasz sie szczegolow jak ktos bedzie chcial to mnie na tracku znajdzie icon_wink3.gif i tak niestety juz nie gram icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif
A gra jest najlepsza gra w calym wszechsiwecie icon_wink3.gif icon_redface.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:

jak juz to http://aaotracker.4players.de/usertracker.php?userid=10972 icon_wink2.gif
zlego linka podales icon_razz.gif

212.182.102.* napisał:
jest to wykorzystywanie buga mapy a gracze uzywajacy tego nie sa uwazani za uczciwych a czasami nawet porownywani do cziterow - nie warto sobie nim zawracac glowy w nastepnym paczu zostanie to wyeliminowane

w grze jestem [Majestic]Gargamel icon_razz.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:

uwazasz, ze strzelanie przez nieotwarta kratke wentylacyjna to bug icon_question.gif

83.31.23.* napisał:
radzio uwiez mi na slowo ze niechcial bys strzelac naprawde z broni przez zamknieta kratke wentylacyjna z odleglosci nie wiekszej niz 1m.
czyli mozna to potraktowac jako bug poniewaz jest to gra symulujaca prawdziwe dzialanie broni itd. a co za tym idzie zdrowie zlonierza ktore znacznie by ucierpialo po wystrzeleniu paru pocikow w taki obiekt jakim jest metalowa kratka z tak bliskiej odleglosci nie piszac tu juz o strzelaniu pod katem.

212.182.102.* napisał:
chodzilo mi o strzelanie z 203 przez zamknietego venta co niektorzy praktykuja icon_redface.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:

dzizus icon_eek2.gif takich cudow to jeszcze nie widzialem icon_eek2.gif

btw. dzial aao na stronce masz ciut nieaktualny ;]

212.182.102.* napisał:
a wiec tak jak ktos powiedzial zeby strzelac przez kratke trzeba byc blisko jej i celowac najlepiej z zoomem miedzy jej szczebelkami - to prawda nie jest to bardzo realistyczne ale wsrod graczy jak najbardziej akceptowane i nie ma w tym nic nagannego icon_smile3.gif zupelnie inaczej ma sie sprawa z strzelaniem z 203 sam nie potrafie tego robic ale wiem ze sa tacy co to wykorzystuja psujac zabawe innym

Radziu zapraszam na nasza stronke http://majestic.gry-online.pl/ w przyszlym tygodniu powinnna juz ruszyc wiec problemow z aktualnoscia nie bedzie :]

80.55.38.* napisał:

Wlasnie o cos takiego mi chodzilo.
Ale taki gosciu najczesciej ginie odrazu bo stoi tam i przeladowuje a ja sie rzucam na ziemie i jezeli mam SAW to pakuje dopoki nie zginie albo caly magazynek.
Przy M16 ze 2 magazynki tylko ze lece za oila i prosto w wentyla wale.

Radzio strzelaja z tego bocznego venta bo tylko tam jest to mozliwe.
Pocisk wylatuje, mozna powiedziec ze sciany.

Strzelanie przez listki kratki jest jak najbardziej ok. i pozyteczne bo niedaje sie gosciowi z 203 oddac celnego strzalu. icon_biggrin3.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
no dobra panowie.......
ja uderzam pograc
bede na sf hospital......

tu moj tracker..... mozna mnie znalezc przez niego

bede takze na riznecie

213.156.101.* napisał:

garg chyba samo strzelanie przez siatke jako takie, realistyczne jest. nie realistyczne natomiast jest to ze mozna przez nia prowadzic dosyc skuteczny ogien:) Ale jak zwykle sie czepiam, bo za 3 godz ostatni egzamin wiec wyrozumialosc wysoce wskazana.

81.168.149.* napisał:
i jeszcze jaaaaa..... icon_razz.gif
nie bede sie rozpisywal
wszystko jest tutaj


80.53.67.* napisał:
czas na podsumowanie:
(sortowane alfabetycznie icon_wink2.gif )
no to mamy 11 graczy...
jescze paru by sie przydalo...

co do serwa to gramy na officjalu czy na jakims polskim??
i najwazniejsze: jaka mapa?? moze zrobimy glosowanie?? icon_razz.gif
co do czasu: u mnie piatek wieczorem odpada bo cala siec w tedy w necie siedzi i mam perfidne lagi.. icon_confused2.gif reszta dni moze byc...

212.122.214.* napisał:
Link do ankiety wyboru mapy AA: http://forum./viewtopic.php?t=74753

213.156.101.* napisał:
Sluchajcie mapa to zaden problem zawsze mozna zmienic, mozemy po grac na naszym serwie


Mapke mozna zmeinic od razu ale kiedy sie umowmy:)

212.122.214.* napisał:
no ja moge dzisiaj..... zreszta gram codziennie wieczorem

jak juz pisalem mi najlepiej lezy hospital i to jeszcze eskorta

213.156.101.* napisał:
dzis mamy niestety mecz wiec odpada.

212.122.214.* napisał:
na jakiej mapie gracie?

213.156.101.* napisał:
ins camp

83.31.25.* napisał:
Mnie panowie nie liczcie niestety bo pisze z chaty a tam gdzie robie niemam kompa icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif

80.53.67.* napisał:
Feluke przeszedles ten 2 trening?? ;]

btw. takie n00bowskie pytanko: jaka byla komenda na pbkicka??

83.31.25.* napisał:
playerlist - pokazuje nr gracza p.112- Zenon
votekick 112 i podajesz powod najciescie IDLE 1
votekick 112 1
Dobra chyba wyjasnilem 3majcie sie zegnam.
chyba dobrze napisalem bo dawno nie gralem

80.53.67.* napisał:
chodzi mi o pbkicka a nie o zwyklego "kicka" icon_razz.gif
to bylo cos jak pbkick slot costam..

212.182.102.* napisał:
cos kiepsko Wam poszlo icon_confused2.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:

jakie wyniki byly??

212.182.102.* napisał:
tu jest link do meczu http://www.clanbase.com/warinfo.php?wid=3269014
tak sie dopytuje bo sami mamy z nimi mecz w najblizszym czasie i to na IC

212.182.102.* napisał:
jest juz wersja 2.1 icon_smile3.gif

80.55.38.* napisał:

No ladnie postarali sie.
Zawsze bylo to opoznione a teraz pogloski okazaly sie trafne.
Ciekawe kiedy wyjdzie latka na poprzednia wersje. icon_confused2.gif

212.182.102.* napisał:

prosze icon_biggrin3.gif
Patch 2.0 do 2.1




217.113.233.* napisał:
Ja tam polecam sie na gamespocie zarejestrowac - ciagnie jak dobra panienka. A i ja radze sciagac fulla - niektorzy nie moga patcha zainstalowac

212.122.214.* napisał:
no zobaczymy jak to bedzie z tym patchem........

ostatnio jak upgradowalem do ver. a to mi wsiakly treningi co jest bardzo dziwne bo jest to zapisywane na serwerze aa

ale musialem przechodzic od nowa...

teraz jakby co to save zachowane juz....... icon_wink2.gif

212.122.214.* napisał:
powiem ze mam jak na razie mieszane uczucia co do nowej wersji...
szczegolnie chodzi o serwery..... ktore jak zwykle na poczatku szaleja...... pingi po 2000, brak autoryzacji, wywala w czasie gry do menu...... takie objawy negatywne zauwazylem

na plus to szybsza grafika nieco..... zauwazylem wzrost fps np. na hospitalu, no i ta fizyka ciała jest swietna

zobaczymy jak bedzie dalej......

81.168.149.* napisał:
to normalka ze po wyjsciu patcha jest zamieszanie z serwerami i autoryzacją wiec trzeba cierpliwie czekac icon_smile3.gif
patch jest dla mnie bardzo udany. pozytywne zmiany na sandstormie i usuniecie granatow czesciowo lub calkowicie z wiekszosci map.
sf arctic - juz mi sie spodobała icon_smile3.gif
sf village - labirynt, nie wiem gdzie isc co robic i w ogole masakra ale jak sie obczai to bedzie podobna do csar icon_wink3.gif
karma - bardzo dobrze ze wprowadzili ten silnik i chociaz wymaga jeszcze troche lepszej konfiguracji to jest super.

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