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Niedziela 22 grudnia 2024 r.

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Problem z AMD Barton

62.93.41.* napisał:
Kupiłem Atlona XP 2500+ z jądrem Bartona chciałe zmienić mnożnik na 12 i w biosie "liczba"! się zmienia ale mnożnik wcale się nie zmienia tzn.w programie CPUZ cały czs mnożnik wynosi 11. Czy to normalne??Czy ten procek ma zablokowany mnożnik?? FSB daje się regulować!!Proszę oradę!!icon_rolleyes.gif

83.25.20.* napisał:
odczytaj z naklejki na procku serię, musisz wiedzieć z jakiego tygodnia masz procka, bo te po 39 tyg. 2003 roku mają zablokowane mnożniki

83.29.14.* napisał:
No niestety musze cie zmartwic - masz zablokowany mnoznik, tak jak ja

62.93.41.* napisał:
nie chcę ściągać wiatrak ale z programiku cpuid mam takie dane
Instruction Feature Value
Processor Speed Test 1,912 Mhz (fsb 174)
CPU ID (0) Vendor ID "AuthenticAMD"
EAX Highest index: 1
EBX Vendor [0..3] 0x68747541 "Auth"
ECX Vendor [8..11] 0x444D4163 "cAMD"
EDX Vendor [4..7] 0x69746E65 "enti"
CPU ID (1) Processor & Features
EAX Processor: 0x6A0
EDX Feature Flags: 0x0383FBFF
CPU ID (80000000) Extended Functions
CPU ID (80000001) Processor & Features
CPU ID (80000002..4) Processor Name "AMD Athlon™ "

62.93.41.* napisał:
to jak można podkręcićtego procka??

83.29.14.* napisał:
No wysokim FSB oczywiście w Twoim przypadku oczywiscie ja mozesz do pojedz z FSB do 200 lub wyzej - w zaleznosci od pamieci jakie masz, od plyty oczywiscie tez icon_smile3.gif. Ja jade w tej chwili na FSB 215 i pamiatki mnie trzymaja icon_sad2.gif. Jak sobie juz ustawisz spradz w primie stabilnosc procka

62.93.41.* napisał:
Instruction Feature Value
Processor Speed Test 1,912 Mhz
CPU ID (0) Vendor ID "AuthenticAMD"
EAX Highest index: 1
EBX Vendor [0..3] 0x68747541 "Auth"
ECX Vendor [8..11] 0x444D4163 "cAMD"
EDX Vendor [4..7] 0x69746E65 "enti"
CPU ID (1) Processor & Features
EAX Processor: 0x6A0
bits 13-12 type: 0
bits 11-8 instruction family: 6
bits 7-4 model: 10
bits 3-0 stepping: 0
EDX Feature Flags: 0x0383FBFF
bit 0 Floating-Point Unit yes
bit 1 Virtual Mode Ext yes
bit 2 Debugging Ext yes
bit 3 Page Size Ext yes
bit 4 Time Stamp Counter yes
bit 5 Model Specific Regs yes
bit 6 Physical Addr Ext yes
bit 7 Machine Check Ext yes
bit 8 CMPXCHG8 Instruction yes
bit 9 Advanced Prog Int Cntlr (APIC) yes
bit 12 Machine Type Range Regs yes
bit 13 Global Paging Ext yes
bit 14 Machine Check Arch yes
bit 15 Cond Move Instruction yes
bit 16 Page Attribute Table yes
bit 17 PSE-36 yes
bit 23 MMX Technology yes
bit 25 Streaming SIMD Extension yes
CPU ID (80000000) Extended Functions
EAX Largest Ext Function 0x80000008
CPU ID (80000001) Processor & Features
EAX Processor: 0x7a0
bits 11-8 Generation: 7
bits 7-4 Model: 10
bits 3-0 Step: 0
EDX Feature Flags: 0xC1C3FBFF
bit 0 Floating-Point Unit yes
bit 1 Virtual Mode Ext yes
bit 2 Debugging Ext yes
bit 3 Page Size Ext yes
bit 4 Time Stamp Counter yes
bit 5 Model Specific Regs yes
bit 6 Page Address Ext yes
bit 7 Machine Check Ext yes
bit 8 CMPXCHG8 Instruct yes
bit 9 APIC yes
bit 12 Memory Type Range Regs yes
bit 13 Global Paging Ext yes
bit 14 Machine Check yes
bit 15 Int Cond Move Instruct yes
bit 16 Page Attribute Table yes
bit 17 PSE-36 yes
bit 22 AMD MMX Extensions yes
bit 23 MMX Technology yes
bit 24 Reserved yes
bit 30 AMD 3D Now! Extensions yes
bit 31 3D Now! yes
CPU ID (80000002..4) Processor Name "AMD Athlon™ "
CPU ID (80000002)
EAX Name [0..3] 0x20444D41 "AMD "
EBX Name [4..7] 0x6C687441 "Athl"
ECX Name [8..11] 0x74286E6F "on(t"
EDX Name [12..15] 0x0020296D "m) "
CPU ID (80000003)
EAX Name [16..19] 0x00000000 ""
EBX Name [20..23] 0x00000000 ""
ECX Name [24..27] 0x00000000 ""
EDX Name [28..31] 0x00000000 ""
CPU ID (80000004)
EAX Name [32..35] 0x00000000 ""
EBX Name [36..39] 0x00000000 ""
ECX Name [40..43] 0x00000000 ""
EDX Name [44..47] 0x00000000 ""
CPU ID (80000005) L1 Cache Information
EAX 2-Mbyte/4-Mbyte Pages 0x0408FF08
bits 31-24 Data TLB associativity 0x04
bits 23-16 Data TLB # entries 0x08 (icon_cool3.gif
bits 15-8 Instr TLB associativity 0xFF (Full)
bits 7-0 Instr TLB # entries 0x08 (icon_cool3.gif
EBX 4-Kbyte Pages 0xFF20FF10
bits 31-24 Data TLB associativity 0xFF (Full)
bits 23-16 Data TLB # entries 0x20 (32)
bits 15-8 Instr TLB associativity 0xFF (Full)
bits 7-0 Instr TLB # entries 0x10 (16)
ECX L1 Data Cache 0x40020140
bits 31-24 size 0x40 (64 Kbytes)
bits 23-16 associativity 0x02
bits 15-8 lines/tag 0x01
bits 7-0 line size 0x40 (64 bytes)
EDX L1 Instr Cache 0x40020140
bits 31-24 size 0x40 (64 Kbytes)
bits 23-16 associativity 0x02
bits 15-8 lines/tag 0x01
bits 7-0 line size 0x40 (64 bytes)
CPU ID (80000006) L2 Cache Information
EAX 2-Mbyte/4-Mbyte Pages 0x00000000
EBX 4-Kbyte Pages 0x41004100
bits 31-28 L2 Data TLB associativity 0x04 (4-way)
bits 27-16 L2 Data TLB # entries 0x0100 (256)
bits 15-12 L2 Inst TLB associativity 0x04 (4-way)
bits 11-0 L2 Inst TLB # entries 0x0100 (256)
ECX L2 Cache 0x02008140
bits 31-16 size 0x0200 (512 Kbytes)
bits 15-12 associativity 0x08 (16-way)
bits 11-8 lines/tag 0x01
bits 7-0 line size 0x40 (64 bytes)
CPU ID (80000007) Enhanced Power Management Information
EDX EPM Flags 0x00000001
bits 2-0 Enhanced Power Management 1
CPU ID (80000008) Reserved
EAX Reserved 0x00002022
EBX Reserved 0x00000000
ECX Reserved 0x00000000
EDX Reserved 0x00000000
płyta ABIT NF7

83.25.20.* napisał:
nie wklejaj nam tu tych wszystkich wyników bo i tak nikt nie jest w stanie tego przeczytać

62.93.41.* napisał:
Oki, sorki więcej nie będe !!

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