Ciągłe Sprawdzanie Spójności Danych ...:/
83.27.224.* napisał:
Nie wiem czemu tak sie dzieje. Pierwszy raz mam taki problem. Włącza sie za każdym razem jak uruchamiam kompa czy też go włączam. Jak to wyłączyć ?83.14.63.* napisał:
Sprawdź w rejestrze:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicrosoftWindows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
czy jest tam wpis SFCScan z wartością 1 (domyślnie brak wpisu albo wartość 0)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
czy jest wpis BootExecute z wartością 'autocheck autochk *' (wartość domyślna)
83.27.224.* napisał:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
czy jest wpis BootExecute z wartością 'autocheck autochk *' (wartość domyślna)
Zgadza sie ten wpis jest...co znim tereaz ? Skasowac czy cos zmienic ?
83.14.63.* napisał:
Jest i powinien być - nie kasuj - można go zmodyfikować.http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=160963
Gdyby w pierwszym wpisie była wartość 1, to chkdsk zawsze sprawdzałby dyski przy uruchamianiu systemu.
Jeszcze cytat ze strony http://www.agavk.p9.pl/strony/ask_answer.php?keyword=Checkdisk+uruchamia+si%EA+przy+ka%BFdym+starcie+systemu&search=Szukaj
"Inną przyczyną może być dezaktywacja funkcji WFP (Windows File Protection) – ochrony plików systemowych i wówczas uruchamianie checkcisk’a może pojawić się jako zjawisko uboczne tej zmiany."
83.27.225.* napisał:
Jest i powinien być - nie kasuj - można go zmodyfikować.
Ok zrobilem tak jak pisza na tej stronce i juz jest ok:) Dzieki !
87.105.105.* napisał:
Jeszcze inny powód ciągłego sprawdzania spójności danych - tzw. bit zanieczyszczenia woluminu (dirty bit).Cytat z http://www.mcse.ms/archive70-2004-10-1138575.html:
Check Disk runs on every boot
Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:
Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.
This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically
checks the volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.
Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |
Type: fsutil dirty query C:
This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be
in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is
online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume
and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or
because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when
the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.
Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan
all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is
set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f
verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the
Autochk.exe is a version of Chkdsk that runs only before Windows XP
Professional starts. Autochk runs in the following situations:
Autochk runs if you try to run Chkdsk on the boot volume.
Autochk runs if Chkdsk cannot gain exclusive use of the volume.
Autochk runs if the volume is flagged as dirty.
This can happen if the drive's dirty bit is set.
When a drive's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically
checks the volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.
Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK |
Type: fsutil dirty query C:
This will report whether the dirty bit is set.
Volume C: is not dirty
Volume C: is dirty
[[If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be
in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is
online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume
and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or
because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when
the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.
Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan
all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is
set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f
verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the
A tu pytanie i odpowiedź z forum http://www.computing.net/windowsxp/wwwboard/forum/144593.html#:
I have the same problem as Jen, only the dirty query says my drive is dirty. I have let chkdsk finish scanning repeatedly with no errors, but it still shows up as dirty. Is there a way to reset the dirty query, and fix this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone,
From a command prompt type chkntfs /d
Restart the computer.
Chkdsk will run on all volumes and they should now show NOT dirty when using fsutil.
Upon the next restart the computer should not run chkdsk.
Best Regards,
From a command prompt type chkntfs /d
Restart the computer.
Chkdsk will run on all volumes and they should now show NOT dirty when using fsutil.
Upon the next restart the computer should not run chkdsk.
Best Regards,

83.13.74.* napisał:
witamCzyli co trzeba zrobic bo ja sie juz pogubiłem a mam ten sam problem co trzeba zamienic w rejestrze???
prosze o odpowiedz
jak mam ten wpis:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
z wartością 'autocheck autochk*
to usunoac tom wartosć???????
Podobne tematy
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