Tinyxp - Winda Dla Minimalistow V.eng, 350mb Na Dysku I 50mb Ram
83.145.160.* napisał:
350MB na dysku i niecale 50MB RAM, szybki i lekkipreinstalowany najpotrzebniejszy soft.
Bedzie to ladnie chodzic nawet na Pentium 100 64MB ram
eXPerience Proudly Presents...
TinyXP Rev01
[UK English Version]
Windows XP Professional With Service
Pack 2 + 29 Critical Hotfixes to 26.12.05
Full Unattended With 20 Tiny Applications (6Mb)
Windows XP Pro Custom Added Features...
Custom eXPerience Wallpaper
Custom OEM Info & Picture
NT Registry Tweaks for Performance,
Gaming, Internet and much much more
Installed Programs...
01) ACCU 2.0.1 --------------------- [Change XP key in one click]
02) CPU-Z 1.28.6 ------------------ [Processor and RAM info tool]
03) CWS Shredder 2.19 ------------------ [CoolWebSearch Fix Tool]
04) Defragmenter 2.3 ------------------------ [Small Defrag Tool]
05) DirToTxt 1.0 -- [List directory contents as a txt based list]
06) Disk Speed 1.0 ---------------- [Check hard disk drive speed]
07) DLL Export Viewer 1.0 ---------------- [See inside DLL files]
08) HDD Temp 1.0 --------- [Shows hard drive temp in system tray]
09) HijackThis 1.99.1 -------------- [Shows processes with paths]
10) IB Process Manager 1.02.0 ---- [Like Task Manager but better]
11) MemTest 2.1 --------------------------------- [RAM test tool]
12) Off By One 3.5a ------------------------------- [Web browser]
13) Regmon ------------------- [Registry monitoring tool]
14) ShellExView ----------------- [Check file extensions]
15) SpaceMonger -- [Image based detail of used HDD space]
16) Startup Control Panel 2.8 ------ [Shows all startup proframs]
17) TCP View ---------------- [Shows all net connections]
18) Unstoppable Copier 2.1 -------------------- [Copies any file]
19) ľTorrent 1.3.1 Beta Build 386 ----------- [BitTorrent client]
20) WinRAR Corporate 3.50 ---- [Can uncompress many file formats]
Integrated XP "Post SP2" Windows Updates
Critical Hotfixes - Updated To 26.12.05
Thank you for installing this stripped out (154Mb)
Edition of XP. The WINDOWS folder for this "TinyXP"
takes up only 375Mb space on your systems hard drive
and runs on just 50Mb of RAM! Windows XP usually uses
200Mb to 300Mb of RAM at the very least.
All Included Hotfixes Were Updated On 26th December 2005
95% of the functionality is left remaining in Windows...
All important hardware drivers and other essentials
have been kept in this release - You have joystick
support, printer support and other bare essentials.
"Microsoft SideWinder" support has been left in.
You can use Microsoft Office with this Tiny edition
of Windows XP. the Jet Database Engine is kept. You
still have MS Paint, Calculator and Wordpad.
Nasty Internet Explorer is GONE! Included is a tiny
standalone web browser so you can at least access the
internet to download a good browser like Firefox or
Included is a standalone BitTorrent client,
uTorrent. This amazing BT client is under 200Kb.
Windows Media Player 8/9/10 is NOT included in this
install but don't worry, classic WMP [v6.4] is left in.
GONE also are all Windows noises like startup and
shutdown noises, but audio does work. Remember, you
can use Microsoft Office and you DO have support if
you want to install a printer - also included is...
LAPTOP SUPPORT - Due to great demand, laptops are now supported!
ETHERNET LAN DRIVERS - Kept! Now if you have
a LAN card you won't have problems!
JET DATABASE - Kept! Now you can use your beloved Microsoft Office
FRONTPAGE EXTENSIONS - Kept! Now you can author websites with Frontpage!
This XP has been thoroughly tweaked to give you THE
BEST POSSIBLE eXPerience from a tiny package.
This XP Pro SP2 Unattended is so 'Tiny' just 154Mb biggrin.gif
If you do not want ANY of the installed programs at all,
they can all be directly deleted from "Program Files" apart
from WinRAR, that one program would have to be uninstalled
in "Add Remove Programs". Then delete each folder from the
start menu that related to the programs you just deleted.
Be careful not to delete any folders Windows might have put
in "Program Files". Only delete what is included in the list
of 20 programs above, just not WinRAR, because it was actually
installed and not just copied to Program Files.
To see the complete list of what remains in this install of XP,
check out the text file "Strip Info" in the $OEM$ folder.
Oh yeah... Happy New Year to all!
TinyXP Rev01 by eXPerience
Built: 01.01.2006
Released: Mid-Winter, January 2006
TinyXP Rev01
[UK English Version]
Windows XP Professional With Service
Pack 2 + 29 Critical Hotfixes to 26.12.05
Full Unattended With 20 Tiny Applications (6Mb)
Windows XP Pro Custom Added Features...
Custom eXPerience Wallpaper
Custom OEM Info & Picture
NT Registry Tweaks for Performance,
Gaming, Internet and much much more
Installed Programs...
01) ACCU 2.0.1 --------------------- [Change XP key in one click]
02) CPU-Z 1.28.6 ------------------ [Processor and RAM info tool]
03) CWS Shredder 2.19 ------------------ [CoolWebSearch Fix Tool]
04) Defragmenter 2.3 ------------------------ [Small Defrag Tool]
05) DirToTxt 1.0 -- [List directory contents as a txt based list]
06) Disk Speed 1.0 ---------------- [Check hard disk drive speed]
07) DLL Export Viewer 1.0 ---------------- [See inside DLL files]
08) HDD Temp 1.0 --------- [Shows hard drive temp in system tray]
09) HijackThis 1.99.1 -------------- [Shows processes with paths]
10) IB Process Manager 1.02.0 ---- [Like Task Manager but better]
11) MemTest 2.1 --------------------------------- [RAM test tool]
12) Off By One 3.5a ------------------------------- [Web browser]
13) Regmon ------------------- [Registry monitoring tool]
14) ShellExView ----------------- [Check file extensions]
15) SpaceMonger -- [Image based detail of used HDD space]
16) Startup Control Panel 2.8 ------ [Shows all startup proframs]
17) TCP View ---------------- [Shows all net connections]
18) Unstoppable Copier 2.1 -------------------- [Copies any file]
19) ľTorrent 1.3.1 Beta Build 386 ----------- [BitTorrent client]
20) WinRAR Corporate 3.50 ---- [Can uncompress many file formats]
Integrated XP "Post SP2" Windows Updates
Critical Hotfixes - Updated To 26.12.05
Thank you for installing this stripped out (154Mb)
Edition of XP. The WINDOWS folder for this "TinyXP"
takes up only 375Mb space on your systems hard drive
and runs on just 50Mb of RAM! Windows XP usually uses
200Mb to 300Mb of RAM at the very least.
All Included Hotfixes Were Updated On 26th December 2005
95% of the functionality is left remaining in Windows...
All important hardware drivers and other essentials
have been kept in this release - You have joystick
support, printer support and other bare essentials.
"Microsoft SideWinder" support has been left in.
You can use Microsoft Office with this Tiny edition
of Windows XP. the Jet Database Engine is kept. You
still have MS Paint, Calculator and Wordpad.
Nasty Internet Explorer is GONE! Included is a tiny
standalone web browser so you can at least access the
internet to download a good browser like Firefox or
Included is a standalone BitTorrent client,
uTorrent. This amazing BT client is under 200Kb.
Windows Media Player 8/9/10 is NOT included in this
install but don't worry, classic WMP [v6.4] is left in.
GONE also are all Windows noises like startup and
shutdown noises, but audio does work. Remember, you
can use Microsoft Office and you DO have support if
you want to install a printer - also included is...
LAPTOP SUPPORT - Due to great demand, laptops are now supported!
ETHERNET LAN DRIVERS - Kept! Now if you have
a LAN card you won't have problems!
JET DATABASE - Kept! Now you can use your beloved Microsoft Office
FRONTPAGE EXTENSIONS - Kept! Now you can author websites with Frontpage!
This XP has been thoroughly tweaked to give you THE
BEST POSSIBLE eXPerience from a tiny package.
This XP Pro SP2 Unattended is so 'Tiny' just 154Mb biggrin.gif
If you do not want ANY of the installed programs at all,
they can all be directly deleted from "Program Files" apart
from WinRAR, that one program would have to be uninstalled
in "Add Remove Programs". Then delete each folder from the
start menu that related to the programs you just deleted.
Be careful not to delete any folders Windows might have put
in "Program Files". Only delete what is included in the list
of 20 programs above, just not WinRAR, because it was actually
installed and not just copied to Program Files.
To see the complete list of what remains in this install of XP,
check out the text file "Strip Info" in the $OEM$ folder.
Oh yeah... Happy New Year to all!
TinyXP Rev01 by eXPerience
Built: 01.01.2006
Released: Mid-Winter, January 2006
Link skasowany
194.150.197.* napisał:
szkoda że po instalce driverów z tych 50 mb RAMu zrobi się 100 albo i więcej, a tyle to można osiagnąć ze zwykłej płytki XP + SP2 w 30 minut83.145.160.* napisał:
50MB to jest ze sterami83.145.160.* napisał:
Link skasowany
Link skasowany
Ooo Wielki Brat Patrzy Ktos moze przeciez miec oryginalny key do XP to moze sobie legalnie sciagnac te wersje
86.63.135.* napisał:
Ktos może tez sobie taki system sam zrobić jak będzie chciał.83.145.160.* napisał:
Niemozliwe. To nie jest okrojenie za pomoca nLite czy tego typu programow (Za pomoca nLite itp. mozna zmniejszyc instalke do 450MB a nie 160MB i nie zmniejszy sie zuzycia procesora). Ma pousuwane o wiele wiele wiecej i jak sie ktos na tym nie zna to czegos takiego nie zrobi217.172.253.* napisał:
a ja sciagnołem83.8.103.* napisał:
(Za pomoca nLite itp. mozna zmniejszyc instalke do 450MB a nie 160MB i nie zmniejszy sie zuzycia procesora).
To chyba nie miałeś styczności z nLitem. Tak się składa, że dzisiaj w ramach testów zszedłem z instalką do 145MB, a i tak nie pozbywałem się wszystkiego co można było wywalić.
Są tacy, co potrafią zejść z systemem jeszcze niżej. MicrowinX, Mindows...
Podawanie linków aby bylo można ściągnąć jest niezgodne z prawem. I tłumaczenia, że jak ktoś ma oryginała to może ściągnąć jest bez sensu, bo podając linka każdy, nawet ten co nie ma oryginała ma dostęp do płatnego systemu.
Regulamin wspomina coś o warezie.
210.0.216.* napisał:
Mam zawieszone konto do 29 stycznia, wiec sorki ale nie odpisze na prywatne wiadomosci z tamtego kontaWielki Brat rulez
83.18.162.* napisał:
Mialem na piii win me i wszystko smigalodzisiaj zainstalowalem tego tiny i owszem wszystko smiga ale niema internetu ((((((
internet mam na domkach (taka zwyczajna siec lan )
i niestety karta sieciowa jest poprawnie rozpoznana ale jak wsadze wtyczke to odnawia adres ip i tak sobie odnawia i odnawia (czekalem 20min )
wszystko jest ustawione na auto (mam router w domu i na innych kompach a wczesniej rowniez na tym wszystko smigalo )
macie jakis pomysl jak to rozwiazac ?
pozdrawiam Alex
83.17.232.* napisał:
Witam nie ma internetu ? a moze toTinyXP Rev01
No DHCP support
bo mi sie wydaje ze to to bo rozumiem ze niemsz ustalanaych adresów na stałe ?
83.18.162.* napisał:
na sztywno juz dziala83.31.128.* napisał:
no fajnie fajnie , uzywalem poprzedniej wersji i jestem po wrazeniem , tylko jedno male ale ... polskie znaki :/ ustawienia regionalne: Polska brak ;uklad klawiatury: pl programisty: brak .. tak wiec jak jest w tej wersji ???? wyswietla ladnie czcioneczke pl ?83.23.249.* napisał:
Witam nie ma internetu ? a moze to
TinyXP Rev01
No DHCP support
bo mi sie wydaje ze to to bo rozumiem ze niemsz ustalanaych adresów na stałe ?
Wpisz na sztywno (ręcznie) tego IP co Ci przydziela DHCP.
83.31.138.* napisał:
no ladnie jest kilka dodatkowych uzytecznych bardzo progsow zaimplementowanych tweakow, super! a i uklad klawiatury pl jest no super tylko nadal locale "polska" brak , wie ktos jak to "dodac" ????btw. swietnie sie nadaje na slabsze sprzety (laptopy np) a i jako wirtualna maszynka pod linuxem .polecam i pozdrawiam.
83.145.160.* napisał:
pojawil sie juz polski odpowiednik - MiniXP, niestety nie moge podac adresu bo znowu bana dostane83.23.76.* napisał:
pojawil sie juz polski odpowiednik - MiniXP, niestety nie moge podac adresu bo znowu bana dostane
Ziom to podaj mi na GG -> znajdziesz w profilu...jestem przeważnie nie widoczny (jestem ale mnie nie ma... )
Podobne tematy
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