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Środa 12 marca 2025 r.

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Problem Z Grami [3d]

83.15.124.* napisał:
Mój problem polega na tym że komp zawiesza mi sie w każdej grze 3d. Nawet w starych grach. Komp sie zawiesza, resetuje po różnym czasie , czasami 5 minut czasami godzina
Temperatury sprawdzałem to są w normie
Zasilanie też w normie bo wymieniałem ostatnio zasilacz na 500W
Komp był w serwisie, płyta gł i graficzna były w serwisie i nic dalej mam ten problem

Testy 3d markiem robiłem i żadnych błędów nie wykrył

Mój komp
płyta gł ASUS A8N-E
Graficzna ASUS radeon x1600xt Silent
Zasilacz Modecom 350 W atx

ludzie pomóżcie bo mi nerwy siadają

Pozdro mur.gif mur.gif

172.16.1.* napisał:
Za slaby zasilacz jak na radka x1600xt

83.15.124.* napisał:
Człowieku pisałem że zasilacz zmieniałem na 500W i nie pomogło

83.14.0.* napisał:
może to wina systemu, sterowników... ??

213.238.87.* napisał:
Jakiej firmy jest ta zasilka 500W ???
Zrob tak wejdz na wlasciwosci mojego kompa-> zaawansowane-> uruchamianie i odzyskiwanie-> automatycnzie uruchamiaj ponownie (odznacz ta opcje) i zatwierdz. Uruchom gre i pograj troche. Zamista restarta bedzie blue screen i zobacz jaki jest numer bledu. Bedziesz wiedzial co powoduje te resety.

83.15.124.* napisał:
Sterowniki odpadają bo prubowałem wszystkich, Zasilacz modecom nawet napięcia sprawdzane miernikiem i wszystko w normie

Raz tak zrobilem z tym odzyskiwaniem i wyszkoczyło mi ATI2DVAG ,ale najczęsciej komp sie zawiesza i trzeba go resnąc

83.27.16.* napisał:


googled out:
http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/content/topic/31775/ moge pzetłumaczyćjakby co icon_razz.gif konkretne posty nie wsszystko - bez jaj ..
Seems like I'm the only one still with an interest in solving this problem, but let it be known - I traded my cousin my Radeon 9800 Pro, for his Radeon 9800 Pro - his used a large power connector and was slightly larger, whereas my oneused a Floppy Driver Power Connector, was smaller and had 4 heatsinks on it.


Well quite simply his card works on my machine perfectly. I think I had one crash/freeze in the 2 hours I was playing games and that was solely because the game I was playing is fairly unstable as it's not final release.

So there you go people - If you have the smaller Radeon 9800 Pro with floppy drive connector for power, see if you can get a change to the larger power connector, cause it solved my problem. My cousin is currently testing my card on his machine - I'll report back with the results of that in due time.
lol gościu uważa że zmiana wtyczki pomoże mur.gif chyba przeczytam cały może będzie więcej kfiatkóff
a to niekfiatek:

Here we go folks, I've been having this problem for almost a year now with my computer, and tried almost everything my mind could possible think of doing. I've tried every solution on this board, and every other board I could find relating to this file and to the infinite loop, with absolutely no success. I tried every driver package available, bios updates, agp chipset updates, every combination of every setting. I've tried reducing power usage in my computer, I've placed more power in my computer... I've added more fans and created an optimal cooling system in my computer. I made sure there were absolutely no IRQ conflicts, and nothing was using the same IRQ as my video card. I've tried with one stick of ram, with one in 1 and 3. I've tried disabling onboard sound, and putting in a soundblaster card. Nothing... I mean nothing, worked at all.

Until now! I found a solution, that has worked for me and a bunch of other people who have tested it for me.
So give it a try, perhaps it will work for you too. My computer has been working 100% since I made this change. There is a chance it could reduce the effeciency of your texture drawing with your video card... but I've tested it with :

Unreal Tournament 2004
Rise Of Nations
Neverwinter Nights
Doom 3
Max Payne 2
Transport Giant
and a bunch of older games....

Anyhow, no more wait, give this a shot :

Right click-mouse over My Computer
Device Manager(button)
Click [+] next to System devices
right-mouse on CPU to AGP Controller (or whatever your controller is called, mine was SiS AGP)
Update Driver(button)

Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)
Select Don't search. I will choose the driver to install.
Select PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge

od siebie zapytam o dwie rzeczy - jaka grafa była wcześniej ?
skad wiesz że się np pamięci nie przegrzewają w radku ? próbowałeś otwierać budę dawać extra nawiew ?

edit: a to odpowiedź od ati:
ATI elaborates and provides links with help ...

I thought everthing was good , I ran the removal software tools they provide at ATI , and freshly installed the latest driver .... In 5 days it has only errored once with version 5.4

We have responded to your issue.

Solution: The infinite loop error can be caused by a number of system software settings or hardware failures. This is why you will find these errors documented frequently, and it is not an issue specific to ATI cards.

We have compiled an article on our website of the common causes of this type of issue. The article is below for your convenience.

"DEVICE DRIVER is STUCK IN INFINITE LOOP" or VPU Recover errors in Windows XP

This issue affects the following system configurations:
Windows XP
Any ATI display card
Based on our experience, the error "The drivers for the display adapter got stuck in an INFINITE LOOP" is a result of a system communication mishap. On some systems, the error "Unable to complete a drawing operation", or an ATI VPU recover error may also occur.

This error does not occur on all system configurations.

This issue can occur using any motherboard or graphics chipset along with the Windows XP Operating system. It appears that in most cases this problem is due to a BIOS setting, specifically options affecting the way the RAM, CPU and graphics card communicate with XP and DirectX. Improper timing settings can result in system lock ups or random system reboots.

This issue also affects different makes and models of video cards from various manufacturers.

In attempt to gather more information on why this error occurs, ATI developed a component to catch when the INFINITE LOOP occurs. This component is called VPU Recover. If the display driver detects that the graphics processor has hung, VPU Recover will attempt to reset the graphics processor, eliminating the need for a system reboot.

VPU errors can occur mostly while using 3D applications and games. This error has also been known to occur in 2D applications as well.

This error message may occur in the virtual video adapter driver that is used by Symantec PCAnywhere. If PCAnywhere is installed on a computer where this error message occurs, visit the Symantec Web site to determine if there are any available fixes for your version of PCAnywhere.

At the present time ATI is still gathering information on the Infinite Loop condition.

The following suggestions may help to correct this issue:

Verify that the system has updated software
Adjust basic settings within the system BIOS
Adjust advanced settings with the system BIOS
Test with different hardware configurations
1. Verifying that the system has updated software

a) Update the display drivers.
Ensure that you have installed the latest ATI CATALYST software for your ATI product. Drivers for your video card can be found on the ATI website.

cool.gif Ensure that all three DirectX Features are enabled.
Run the available tests to ensure that each of the three components pass.

c) Update your motherboard chipset driver software.
Updating your AGP chipset drivers can add stability to the PC and may help to prevent the Infinite Loop error from occurring.

d) Use the ATI SMARTGART utility to adjust AGP Reads/Writes.
In newer revisions of the Catalyst Drivers, a feature called SMARTGART was introduced. With the latest ATI CATALYST software installed, you can use the ATI SMARTGART settings to adjust the Fast Writes and AGP BUS speed.

Select the "Start" menu -> click on "RUN" -> type "SMARTGART" -> click OK.

Ensure that both the AGP Read and Write settings are On. If these are set to OFF, then enable them and restart Windows as prompted. As a test you should try disabling the AGP Write setting. NOTE- AGP Writes may not be enabled on all chipsets.

e) Update the motherboard BIOS. Any updates can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website.

f) Make sure you have an adequate power supply.

2. Basic BIOS options.

NOTE: These options may vary depending on the type/version of your system. You may or may not have all these options present.

Video BIOS Shadow - DISABLED
Init Primary Display - AGP (Toggle this setting if your video card is PCI)
AGP Aperture size - 128 MB
AGP Driving Control - AUTO
Disable AGP 8x/4x mode in the BIOS.
Disable AGP Fast Writes in the BIOS.
AGP Driving Control - AUTO
AGP Performance Control - ENABLED/DISABLED (Toggle this option)
Assign IRQ for VGA - ENABLED
System Bios Cacheable - DISABLED
Video BIOS Cacheable - DISABLED
Read Around Write - ENABLED/DISABLED (toggle this setting)
PnP OS installed - YES

3. BIOS Settings for ADVANCED USERS:

NOTE: These options may vary depending on the type/version of your system. You may or may not have all these options.

Load optimized defaults in your BIOS
Set your memory settings to default values (I.e.. DRAM Timing = SPD)
Lower the memory frequency to 133/166mhz (effectively DDR266/333mhz)
If available increase AGP Voltage to 1.6 - 1.8 in the BIOS
SDRAM Cycle length - 2.5
Bank Interleave - ENABLE/DISABLE (toggle this setting - It will only make a difference if you have more than one memory module.)
DRAM Burst length - 4

4. Recommended Hardware changes:

Test system with a single memory module if multiples are being used
Test with different memory modules.
Test with a different Power supply
Disable/Remove ALL non-essential hardware i.e. sound card, network card, additional HDD etc.
Test the video card in a different PC
Additional Information on the Infinite Loop:

Staying Out Of The Loop - http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=64

Microsoft Knowledge Base - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q293078

tak jak mówiłem moge przetłumaczyć pojedyncze posty jak jest potrzeba ale problem wydaje sie złożony icon_sad4.gif

83.22.203.* napisał:

Za slaby zasilacz jak na radka x1600xt

Zasilacz da spokojnie rade

83.15.124.* napisał:
Tak obudowe mam cały czas otwartą . Dodatkowe chłodzenie dodawałem ale nic nie pomogło ;/

P.S Stery instaloawłem z płytki niewiem jakie , 6.5 6.8 6.9 i 6.11 wszyskie z WDM

83.27.5.* napisał:

Poprzednia karta to był radek 9600 pro ale to chyba nie robi znaczenia bo wymeiniałem karte z płytą i zasilaczem mur.gif

ja bym i tak zrobił formata
no nic pozostaje ci sie przekopac przez te linki i cytaty powyzej icon_sad4.gif

83.15.124.* napisał:
Poprzednia karta to był radek 9600 pro ale to chyba nie robi znaczenia bo wymeiniałem karte z płytą i zasilaczem mur.gif

Format był robiony 10 razy bez skutku ;/

Linki przekopałem i mówią wszystkie żeczy które robiłem czyli wyjac karte ze slotu itd

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