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Środa 5 lutego 2025 r.

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Klopot R8500 - odswierzanie 60Hz

213.76.38.* napisał:
zainstalowalem nowa karte R 8500 i mam durny problem: pomimo 'zainstalowania' monitora (17" SONY G200) nie jestem wstanie za chiny wlaczyc odswierzania > 60Hz!!

moze mi ktos w tej kwestii pomoc? bo zaraz oslepne icon_sad2.gif

149.156.160.* napisał:
czy nikt z was nie zetknal sie z tym problemem?

prosze o pomoc, bo jestem juz lekko podlamany icon_sad2.gif

80.48.121.* napisał:
Jaki system??

149.156.160.* napisał:

windows 98 SE

80.48.121.* napisał:
Spróbuj programu ARI Refresh Fix. Moze pomoze...

149.156.74.* napisał:

probowalem i nie chodzi pod 98 (jest napisany pod 2k i xp icon_sad2.gif

powoli zaczynam sie wkurzac.....

80.48.121.* napisał:
Pokąbinuj ze sterami. Zainstaluj orginalne producenta, jak nie pomoze to od ATI.

80.48.121.* napisał:
Mam pomysła icon_biggrin3.gif icon_razz.gif
Spróbuj wyedytować bios w radedicie tak zeby domyslnym odswiezaniem bylo takie jakie chcesz, wtedy problem powinien zniknąć. icon_smile3.gif

213.76.42.* napisał:
Heh, sprobuje postawic WinXP.....
Probowalem wszystkich sterow i nic icon_sad2.gif

213.76.37.* napisał:
udalo sie odpalic pod 98 icon_smile3.gif
dziki pomocy goscia z DriverHeaven! cytuje:

Start regedit, go to HKLM/Software/ATI Technologies/Driver/0001/DAL (or instead of 0001 whatever number your current driver uses).
Insert a new binary value, named "DALRULE_ALLOWNONDDCCRTALLMODESUPTO1600x1200". Set the value to 01 00 00 00.
Or, you could try "DALRULE_CRTSUPPORTSALLMODES" and set this to 01 00 00 00 instead. (Both work here perfectly, the difference being that one allows resolutions up to 1600x1200x200, the other 2048x1536x200.
That's it, just reboot.
IMPORTANT: you need to set the refresh rate for all resolutions you want to use manually with regedit, since the driver will likely set them to 200hz when you switch resolutions, so you won't get a picture unless your monitor can handle that. So, go to [HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesClassDisp
lay\0000 (or whatever number your monitor has)MODESxy,z]. Make a new string "RefreshRate" and set it to "85" or whatever you like and your monitor can handle.
If you forget to do this you might be forced to boot in safe mode since you might get an "out of range" value by your monitor upon boot-up...

If you use something like HzTool, it makes setting the refresh rates for different resolutions easier.

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